Thursday, April 7, 2011

CHANGES..yes we CAN!!!

sometimes, kita ni terlalu rigid dan disebabkan rigid jugak kita unwilling utk berubah..kadang2 susah nak yakinkan org bahawa apa yg berlaku semuanya adalah TAKDIR dan memang telah ditetapkan dlm perjalanan hidup kita di dunia yg memang sentiasa penoh dengan cabaran..ambil bende mudah..jodoh..slalu tak dengar bende ni "kalo dah takde jodoh nak buat mcm mana.."..before this, yes, it is true that i'am not favor to believes to all those kind of jodoh sebab bagi aku dulu, kalo kita tak cube mana tau ada jodoh ke, after beberapa peristiwa berlaku dlm hidup, aku terpaksa percaya bahwa, mmg betul, kalo kita usaha mcm mana pon kalo takde jodoh mmg takkan boleh kita bersama dgn die..

so, with all those experiences, i'am now believe that, we should and need to force ourself yg mmg kalo takde jodoh, mmg takkan ada jodoh..kalo korg nak komen, komen je la apa2 pon sebab, bukannye aku ni liberal or no liberal and unfortunately this is not an issue, the issue is kalau dah takde jodoh mmg takde jodoh la bloodyfool!!

soo..disebabkan tak percayanye dgn takdir dan takde jodoh, sibuk dan heboh la cakap "i'am still believe that she/he will come to me"..HOLY CRAP!!!...mana ada bende tuh..kalo ada jodoh pon maybe still panjang perjalanan die..mana tau kalo2 tuhan nak bagi jodoh lepas ko kawen dua tiga kali baru korang leh bersama ke..who knows..sometime, we only can plan and let the rest to GOD bcoz sometime, even human can build the tallest tower, can do cloning on a thousand of human, can fly a 1000 kilos of metal, but there is sometime human cannot do the GOD work..just put this motto on your mind, human or we can only do the planning, and let god do the rest..

please my friends...let the past is past and move forward..yes, we still have a memories, but please do not let the memories is blocking u to face the reality as most of the failure is they cannot forget the past and always carries the past along the way they through this life...THE END..

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